manchester united

PSG v United

March 8, 2019

So its been 2 days since the match. I have calmed down now! I wish I was wearing my Apple Watch during the match – so I could see what my heartrate was like especially during the final few minutes. The composure of Rashford taking that penalty! It was his first ever penalty taken in PSG v United

Farewall To A Legend – Thanks Wazza

July 9, 2017

So its a done deal. He’s gone. Wayne Rooney is now no longer a Manchester United player. Thank you Wayne. Wayne himself has thanked the club and fans – via Instagram. He was at United for 13 years and became United’s all time record goalscorer. I still remember his debut which was a European Farewall To A Legend – Thanks Wazza

Desk setup

June 30, 2017

So I recently decided to get a new desk and update my “desk setup”. I had my previous desk for several years – basically since I started my business in 2008. It was a black desk from Ikea which was also had a box shelf (it was called an Expedit Desk I think). I was Desk setup

Why United shouldn’t buy Cristiano Ronaldo

June 19, 2017

Firstly, I should say that I think all these rumours about Ronaldo wanting to leave Real Madrid are not true. However, being Ronaldo and Manchester United, these are rumours are unfortunately, likely to go on all summer. The transfer window hasn’t even official opened (thats from 1st July)! Now being a United fan, of course Why United shouldn’t buy Cristiano Ronaldo

Europa League / thoughts on season for United

June 3, 2017

So the football season is over – it was for United last week and now that the Champions League has just finished, thats it – congrats to Real Madrid. (Was a pretty good match, Madrid outplayed Juventus 2nd half. Wanted Juve to win basically for Buffon – one of best keepers ever but not won Europa League / thoughts on season for United

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