john wick

Movies to watch in 2023

January 4, 2023
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

Here are the movies I am most looking forward to in 2023. No doubt, as usual, I will have missed some. And maybe even included some that end up being rubbish, have awful reviews and I don’t bother watching! (Release dates are UK release dates, unless stated). Trailers Extraction 2 has release date of 2023 Movies to watch in 2023

Summer movie blockbusters – my predicted top 10

April 24, 2019

On the Slashfilm podcast – aka /Filmcast aka The Slashfilmcast – every year does a Summer Movie Wager. They all guess which Summer movies will have the biggest box office – the domestic box office – so the US box office. They include movies released typically from last weekend of April to Labour (Labor) Day. Summer movie blockbusters – my predicted top 10

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