Siam Smiles – Review

Siam Smiles used to be located in Chinatown but recently (ish) had to move – due to increase in costs. They are now located in Deansgate Mews, the small pathway parallel to Deansgate. This is where B.Eat Street used to be. Its probably not the best location as many people probably don’t know about the “road”.

You can access it either via Great Northern Warehouse, near the cinema box office or up the stairs opposite the Hilton hotel (Beetham tower). I must recently went about a month ago and went with a friend who lives nearby – but even he didn’t know about Siam Smiles because the entrance to the cinema is before the restaurant!

We went on a Wednesday evening, fairly early. It was fairly busy. Wednesday they have a buffet on. About half a dozen different things plus rice. It is £9.50 per person. I took a photo of the buffet:

However, we decided to go with something from the a la carte menu. They had ran out of duck unfortunately so I didn’t get the no.1 dish I wanted. In the end I went for Kao Moo Grob Vs Moodang – basically belly pork and (Thai/Chinese) BBQ pork with rice. It was supposed to come with a small bowl of soup too but I didn’t get it. But only realised after I left.

For starter, we shared some battered prawns which unfortunately were a bit “doughy”. Just a bit longer in the deep fat fryer and they would have been good.

It tasted good though – although I forgot to say no coriander. Managed to pick it out and the flavour was good enough for it not to be ruined.

On the table, there is a bright green tub which has different sauces/condiments. One was some peanuts, one I think was some chilli flakes, another was a vinegar based sauce. (Can’t remember what the other one was – its a white powder some maybe sugar??).

Overall its pretty tasty food and what I would call unfussy. A few of the owners/manager’s friends or family I think were eating/drinking there – plus the fact we had to ask for the menu and when we arrived they were moving tables outside. So the atmosphere felt almost like eating in someones kitchen/home. A bit.

The place is located nearby to me so handy place to pop in for a more casual, but tasty meal. Hopefully next time they have duck though! 😉

There is no menu online. Took a photo of it – sorry, not the clearest photos:

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