San Diego Comic-Con 2018 – the “best” trailers
It was San Diego Comic-Con over the weekend. Which means loads of panels and lots of trailers for movies and TV shows. There are numerous different web pages claiming to show EVERY trailer, but seems to miss some. I was going to therefore post ALL the trailers – but then I realised there are too many. And also a load of shows I don’t watch e.g. Riverdale, Walking Dead, Black Lightning – so have no interest in the trailers!! 🙂 So here are the trailers which are either the best – in my opinion – or ones for movies/shows I plan to watch. (In no particular order).
Wasn’t too sure about this movie. I saw the costume and thought it looked stupid. Still do. Trailer was good though.

Personally this trailer has put me off watching this a bit.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Has potential. Trailer is good. And it has Millie Bobby Brown so thats a good start.

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
Maybe its Johnny Depp being in it which is putting me off a bit. Liked the 1st Fantastic Beasts movie though.

Didn’t realise the movie Unbreakable was the start of a sort of trilogy. Actually after watching this trailer, I realised I’d never seen Unbreakable – just watched it now – its OK. Not seen Split though.

Unfortunately the trailer for Venom and Wonder Woman 1984 have not been released. Maybe after few days?? There have been some photos from Wonder Woman 1984 released though:
And here is the Wonder Woman 1984 Panel:

And while we’re at it, here is the Venom Panel:

TV shows
The Purge
The Purge movies are OK. Stupid idea but basically good, turn off brain entertainment. Don’t think a TV show was really needed though – but lets see….

Still disappointed after end of last season and popular character going

The Flash
Can’t wait!

Got bored of Arrow recently. Hoping its gets back to being good like it was 2-3 years ago.

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow

Looks good. Robin goes all dark! Looks pretty gruesome. I don’t know anything about the Titans as characters.

Doctor Who: Season 11
Doctor Who should be the sort of programme I watch but never really have. I watched it last regularly ages ago when it came back with Christopher Eccleston and watched the odd one when it was David Tennant. Think will give it another go .

Deadly Class


Star Trek: Discovery
Watched 1st season. It was OK. I really liked the first 1-2 episodes but then started to lose interest a bit. Hoping 2nd season is good.

The Orville
Much more of a light-hearted show compared to Star Trek: Discovery. Both different takes on the Star Trek universe. When I first saw The Orville, I thought it was basically TV version of Galaxy Quest – which in a way it is. Didn’t think I would like The Orville and some things annoyed me at the start but it developed into a good show. Overall I actually prefer The Orville to Star Trek: Discovery.